
[AHA2009]Steven E Nissen教授与严晓伟教授谈HEAAL研究与心衰指南

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/11/25 16:53:00


《国际循环》:我今天想特别探讨一下心衰。AHA 2009上已经报道了一些心衰领先临床试验,其中之一是HEAAL研究。您能谈谈对HEAAL研究的简要看法么?我们应该如何对其进行评论?此外,您认为这对心衰治疗有何促进作用?

    Prof Yan:In my opinion, at this time Losartan 150 mg is much better than 50 mg in terms of the edendpoints. There is a 10% decrease with 150 mg of Losartan in terms of reducing death or heart failure hospitalization. The HEAALstudy is the first to verify that 150 mg of Losartan has a therapeutic effect in the treatment of heart failure. Also, in Chinathe first time RAS blockade used to treat heart failure were ACE inhibitors but we have about 20% of patients with coughafter ACE inhibitor use, which is a relatively higher prevalence than seen in other populations. So in Chinese opulationswe also use ARBs.  Before the HEAAL study we only used Valsartan or candesartan but now, after the HEAAL study, wecan also choose 150 mg dose of Losartan in these kinds of patient populations. 

我认为在联合终点方面,150 mg 氯沙坦要优于50 mg。150 mg 氯沙坦可降低10%的死亡率或心衰入院率。HEAAL研究首次证实,150 mg 氯沙坦可以有效治疗心衰。同样,中国首次用于治疗心衰的RAS阻断剂为ACE抑制剂,但约20%的患者在使用后发生咳嗽,较其他人群的发生率要高。因此我们对中国人群还是用ARBs。在HEAAL研究之前,我们仅使用缬沙坦或坎地沙坦,但是在HEAAL研究之后,我们还选择150  mg 氯沙坦治疗这类人群。

    Prof. Nissen:
Really it just gives us another option but isn’t really a big change in what we are doing, giving us another choice.


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