
[WHC2011]进化医学的最新概念解读——Detlev Ganten教授专访

作者:国际循环网   日期:2011/11/23 16:57:21



    <International Circulation>: One of the things coming out of evolutionary medicine is that you are trying to advocate for lifestyle changes.  In addressing disease the question is not how can we treat this disease?  Or, how did this arise?  But more why do we have this disease and how is it related to our environment?

    Prof. Ganten: The first thing is a research topic.  Sequencing the whole of evolution will take a lot of time.  We have sequenced a lot of organisms to date but it still requires looking into the details of which genes are inactive, looking at proteins and their metabolites.   This is a huge research project but what I am suggesting is that that is research I would like to do.  That is research that will lead to new medicine.  Today’s research would dramatically increase the success rates of certain drug treatments or other conventional treatments but that is not the way we will really improve medicine.  Of the 7 billion people on Earth, less than 1 billion are well treated.  6 billion people are not well treated now and we will not be able to solve any real health issues if the treatment used is interventional catheterization, for instance.  It is too expensive and logistically impossible.  We have to think about another type of medicine.  Evolutionary medicine is a type of medicine looking at the effects of what we can learn from evolution.  What we can learn from the history of our biological setup.  The example I was giving is that if I look at a healthy patient’s blood chemistry and the time course of it, I may be able to see that there is evidence of a certain development.  By looking at development and looking at history it is possible to know more about the dynamics health problems.  Biology and life and health and disease are dynamic, not stationary or static.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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