
[TCT2012]医生需找到双联抗血小板治疗的平衡点——Roxana Mehran专访

作者:国际循环网   日期:2012/10/26 17:15:41



  International Circulation: What do you think that PARIS adds to the conversation on Dual Anti-Platelet Therapy (DAPT)?
  Dr. Roxana Mehran: As the principle investigator, I have an obvious conflict of interest regarding PARIS, and it may be good to talk to other. However, for the very first time, we have a novel finding in thinking of DAPT not as an on-and-off switch by rather what was the circumstance by which the switch was turned off or why did it go back on. We collected that data prospectively, not retrospectively in large registry of real-world patients. We found that different modes of adherence have different outcomes on the patients and different implications. For example, if you abruptly stopped DAPT without physician guidance, there is a higher rate of major clinical events. Under physician guidance, even with earlier interruption or discontinuation, was not associated with important clinical outcomes. It brings back confidence that if a cardiologist is closely monitoring the case, guiding the patient through their options, outcomes can turn out well. Importantly, PARIS included a larger number of second-generation drug eluting stents that are, in general, safer than first generation. I think that is an caveat regarding PARIS. This is a contemporary approach because, in this current generation of drug-eluting stents, we are seeing low event rates and when you reduce, stop, or interrupt under the guidance of a physician, you’ll be ok. That is an important message that has not been seen before and we are going to follow this out for two years.

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版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:张乐


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