

作者:  K.Narkiewicz   日期:2011/6/25 16:45:08


<International Circulation>: Can you give us an introduction to the reasons for the expansion of this year’s ESH meeting and the change in name, and what are some of the new features and topics we will see?

    <International Circulation>:Obesity and hypertension often go hand-in-hand. Besides the dietary advice and lifestyle changes which have varying degrees of success in different patients, what about pharmacological treatment when looking at obesity-related hypertension?


    Prof. Narkiewicz:  Unfortunately in the last few years there have been very high expectations for some new drugs but we know that rimonabant isn’t marketed anymore because of side effects and also another anti-obesity drug, sibutramine, which was very promising, but the results from the SCOUT trial were also quite negative and for this reason this drug is not available any more on many markets. We still hope that some new drugs will emerge on the market to manage our patients but at the moment, we still need to focus our attention on lifestyle changes especially in the younger subjects and use anti-hypertensive drugs which do not increase the risk of development of diabetes. For the morbidly obese patients, those with BMI above 40 or 45, bariatric surgery might be an option because for them it is too late to be physically active or change diet. Sometimes that is the only way to improve their prognosis.

    Narkiewicz教授:很不幸的是,过去几年中人们对新药的期望值很高,但我们知道rimonabant因为副作用退出市场,另一个减肥药sibutramine也如此,本来希望很大,但SCOUT试验的结果阴性,因此,该药在很多市场上不再销售。我们仍希望市场上能出现新药物来治疗患者,但目前我们仍需要专注于生活方式的改变,尤其对年轻患者同时应用降压药,后者不增加患糖尿病的风险。对重度肥胖患者,如那些BMI 40 或45以上者,或许可选bariatric手术,因为他们增加运动或改变饮食为时已晚。有时这是改善他们预后的唯一方法。

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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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