<International Circulation>: The incidence of hypertension globally is high and national health systems energetically seek to prevent and treat hypertension. What are the more appropriate therapies for preventing hypertension based on current epidemiological studies?
<International Circulation>:Hypertension has implications for multiple organ injury such as heart, brain, kidney and so on with consequent spiraling medical costs. What measures have or haven’t proven effective in resolving this problem in the USA?
Dr Klag: The medical costs associated with hypertension, directly and indirectly, are substantial. In the US, which has a prevalence of hypertension similar to that here in China – around 30% - it is estimated by the American Heart Association that we spend about $72 billion annually battling hypertension. We know that once somebody develops hypertension, it is critical to control the blood pressure and reducing the blood pressure to desirable levels reduces the risk of stroke, reduces the risk of heart failure and reduces the risk of heart attack. Having accessible care, access to medications that are effective and having clinicians that work with individuals to pick the best regimen based on the evidence that we have and with a favorable side effect profile, are the keys to preventing clinical events associated with high blood pressure. These interventions have to involve all levels of society. We have to ensure that there is access to medical care, that the medications are available and affordable. But as I said earlier, we also need to involve the food industry, the places where we work and to make the world around us a healthier place and thus promote lower blood pressure.