

作者:  M.J.Klag教授   日期:2010/8/29 13:30:00


<International Circulation>: The incidence of hypertension globally is high and national health systems energetically seek to prevent and treat hypertension. What are the more appropriate therapies for preventing hypertension based on current epidemiological studies?

    <International Circulation>:Presuming epidemiological trends in hypertension in the US, for example, and China are following similar paths, do you think that improved outcomes and reduced costs can be achieved by similar preventative measures?

    Dr Klag: I think the kinds of interventions that will work in the US will, in a sense, work in China as well. But we need to make sure that we observe the cultural differences between the countries. When we design interventions we need to consider people’s sense of self, their sense of family, their sense of group, where they fit into society; but certainly we have the same biology. So by limiting salt intake, increasing potassium intake and exercising more – these are things that work regardless of where you come from.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

M.J.Klag教授 高血压 预防措施

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